Meet Nettie and Henry Kimbar
Welcome to the Quinsigamond Village Community Center Food Pantry.
We’re open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9:30 am – 2:00 pm
Wednesdays – 10:00am – 2:00pm
Friday 9:30 – 12:00 pm
By appointment – call Joe at
(508) 755-7481
Bread and Pastry is available on a daily basis and Emergency Food is available upon request.
Come in and visit the QVCC’s Food Pantry and choose from a wide variety of health foods, beans, meats, grains, sweets, and fresh vegetables in season, and more.
Most of the food comes from The Government Food Bank in Shrewsbury, MA. Rachel’s Table donates food frequently every month too. Area business’s, schools, churches and the Local 179 have collections for QVCC.
Private Donations are always made and are always welcomed.